
Big Ass Dog Company

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Our big rescue Bruce

toddler enjoying the comfort of a human-sized dog bed

We recently adopted a cane corso from the local humane society. When my daughter met Bruce he was a big friendly boy! He was very under weight at only 106lbs. You could literally see every bone in his body. I found big ass dog company by doing an online search for big dog beds. I wanted Bruce to be as comfortable as possible. He is only 2 yrs old. I was so excited when I was looking at the dog beds from this company. Looking at the pictures and reading just about everything on their website. I was having trouble with the discount code so I emailed them. They emailed me right back after I told them about our Bruce. They helped me out with the duscount code and I am so grateful for the help they gave me and Bruce. When the bed arrived and we put it all together Bruce immediately wanted in his new bed. He loves his bed. My Granddaughter also loves that there is room for her too! I highly recommend this company.


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